- 注文焙煎 御堂珈琲店 (店舗名称変更=店舗名:岩田焙煎珈琲)






アッサム紅茶の「CTC」というランク表示がありますがアッサム紅茶の等級の1つです。 CTCとはの略になります。

「C」 = cut  切る  
「T」 = tear 引き裂く
「C」 = curl 丸める

CTCとは、茶葉を切って引き裂いて丸めて作られた茶葉のことです。なぜ、このようにするかというと、アッサム紅茶は、チャイなど、ミルクティーで飲まれることが多く、ミルクティーにするためには、濃い味の紅茶が必要です。 茶葉を細かく切ることで、濃い味の紅茶になります。 切っただけでは、茶葉の見た目が悪いので、茶葉を丸めて、最後に形をよくします。 CTCとは、まさに、味が濃く、ミルクティーに最適な茶葉と言えます。


商品名 サンチャ ピュアアッサム ミニ
内容量 6g(およそ2杯分)

商品サイズ 縦2.5cm×横3.7cm×高さ6cm

賞味期限 36ヵ月
原産国名 インド
アレルゲン 無
The Aap Ki Pasand business has been built around a passion for aromas, flavour and a commitment to quality that took shape back in 1981 in the form of a tea boutique nestled in the busy business district of Old Delhi, India. The Sancha story is a passionate one scripted by a young professional tea taster who setup Delhi’s first and only Tea Boutique catering to the epicure and offering the finest teas produced in the country. The Aap Ki Pasand Tea Gallery as it was christened back in 1981 is now a historic landmark in old Delhi and a favourite haunt for travelers to Delhi and connoisseurs alike. Written and reviewed by almost every International travel writer and food critic, the brand remains India’s most revered for quality.What do we represent…The Sancha selections represent teas that are painstakingly assessed and selected by the professionals from amongst thousands of batches produced in the country of origin, India. The brand is professionally managed and guided by Mr. Sanjay Kapur, a Master Tea Taster with 4 decades of experience in tea manufacture, blending and marketing.

Sancha offers over 35 successful SKUs which include unique single estate teas and blends of Indian varietal teas & teas with natural spices/herbs

Aap Ki Pasand has built its worldwide reputation as exporters of fresh teas through skill sets that enable the team of tea tasters to choose the finest teas from select tea gardens that have a longer shelf life. The Master Tea Taster and his team have extensive knowledge of various teas grown across India. In fact, the companies research has dug deep into understanding soil, climate, terroir and rainfall which have resulted in Aap Ki Pasand being able to mark out areas which produce exotic teas which naturally possess grassy, woody, flowery, floral and muscatel notes. These discoveries are the companies trade secret and a part of a specialized body of knowledge.
定価 204円
販売価格 204円



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About the owner

岩田 由香


Our shop is a specialty coffee store that follows the "order-to-roast" style, where we accept orders directly from customers and begin roasting. Currently, we offer the option to place orders for in-store pickup or shipping.
